European short filmsProgramme 2 |
Jonas Lajboschitz
2023 - Denmark - 17mn
Screenings :
friday 26 - 2:00 pm - Centre de congrès - Auditorium - presented and followed by a debate with the film directors
saturday 27 - 10:00 pm - 400 Coups - 5
An elderly couple's love is put to the test when a phone call disrupts their daily routine.
Jonas Lajboschitz is very attached to his family, and is particularly close to his grandparents, which explains why he often uses elderly people as his subjects. He graduated from The National Film School of Denmark as a screenwriter in 2021.
Cast : Paul Hüttel, Anne-Lise Gabold, Nastja Arcel, Sophie Grodin, Niklas Herskind, Karla Hilm
Screenplay : Jonas Lajboschitz
Cinematography : Christian Karlsen
Sound : Mia Joanna Koskela Michaelsen
Editing : Anna Wistreich
Production : Creative K.I.D