date festival


Patrice Chéreau

In the presence of Vincent Perez and Jérôme Clément

In partnership with the Mémoire Patrice Chéreau association, as part of the artist's commemorations, which run until autumn 2024.

To mark the tenth anniversary of Patrice Chéreau's death (2 November 1944 / 7 October 2013), a special evening will be held during the Festival.
A theatre director at the age of 22, he spent ten years directing for the theatre and opera, before turning to film. Alongside his impressive theatrical output, Patrice Chéreau made a total of ten films for French cinema. A demanding and generous creator, he was a man of commitment and great loyalty to his collaborators and actors, foremost among them Dominique Blanc, Jean-Hugues Anglade, Pascal Greggory, Vincent Perez and Bruno Todeschini.
Born near Angers, he remained attached to Anjou and supported the Premiers Plans Festival, which he visited on several occasions.

© DR

Hôtel de France

Patrice Chéreau
1987 - France - 1h38
With Laurent Grévill, Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, Vincent Perez, Laura Benson, Thibault de Montalembert, Marc Citti, Bernard Nissile, Marianne Denicourt, Isabelle Renauld, Bruno Todeschini, Agnès Jaoui

When they were twenty, Michel and Sonia were in love. They were part of a group of friends from the provinces, and Michel was the leader, the one who would “go far”. But he stopped along the way, and now they all find themselves at a reception a few years later. Sonia can't help feeling disappointed and Michel hurt.

Hôtel de France was made for the cinema, following an initial theatrical adaptation
at the Amandiers drama school in Nanterre, directed by Patrice Chéreau. “At the heart of this theatre, where he built facilities that could be used as film sets and workshops that could work for both stage and screen, Chéreau created a school for actors, under the direction of Pierre Romans. With these promising students (Valeria
Bruni-Tedeschi, Marianne Denicourt, Eva Ionesco, Agnès Jaoui, Bruno Todeschini,
Laurent Grévill, Vincent Perez, Thibault de Montalembert, Marc Citti...), he invented a radically cinematic transposition of Chekhov's Platonov, Hôtel de France (1987).
The unjust critical and commercial failure of this film, which now deserves to be re-
examined and re-evaluated, left Chéreau deeply wounded.” (Jean-Michel Frodon)

Screenings : sunday 21 - 5:00 pm - Grand Théâtre - followed by a debate with Vincent Perez - actor and Jérôme Clément - président du Festival Premiers Plans