European animated filmsProgramme 2 |
The Eastern Rain
Milly Yencken
2023 - Estonia - 09mn
Screenings :
thursday 25 - 4:45 pm - Centre de congrès - Auditorium - presented by the film directors
friday 26 - 10:00 pm - 400 Coups - 5
If the rain were to fall indoors, but never outdoors - where would we begin to look for shelter? The school bell would ring, but no one would hear it.
Milly Yencken was born in 1993 in Australia. She Studied a BFA in painting in Tasmania and a diploma of classical animation in Vancouver. She is currently completing her masters in Animation at Eesti Kunstiakadeemia in Estonia.
Screenplay : Milly Yencken
Cinematography : Milly Yencken
Sound : Bruno Quast
Editing : Milly Yencken
Production : Académie Estonienne des Arts