date festival


European animated films

Programme 2

Kill Your Darlings

Thirza Ingold
2023 - Switzerland - 06mn

Screenings : thursday 25 - 4:45 pm - Centre de congrès - Auditorium - presented by the film directors friday 26 - 10:00 pm - 400 Coups - 5
If there's one thing Olga the farmer loves more than her pet pigs, it's a pork chop. When the pigs she butchers find that they can still influence events on the farm after their deaths, a vicious circle begins…
Thirza Ingold
Thirza Ingold was born in 1981. She trained at the Bern University of Teacher Training and subsequently taught in the region of Bern and in the Emmental valley. She started her Master's degree in Animation at Lucerne University in 2018, graduating with the film Kill Your Darlings.

Screenplay : Thirza Ingold
Cinematography : Thirza Ingold
Sound : Aline Schoch
Editing : Marina Rosset
Music : Simon Schwaninger

Production : Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts