European short filmsProgramme 1 |
A Study of Empathy
En undersøgelse af empati
Hilke Rönnfeldt
2023 - Denmark / Germany - 14mn
Screenings :
tuesday 23 - 2:00 pm - Centre de congrès - Auditorium - presented and followed by a debate with the film directors
wednesday 24 - 10:00 pm - 400 Coups - 5
Dana wants to show empathy. Penelope wants to explore empathy. Penelope's artistic experiment unfolds and Dana's feelings whirl wildly
Hilke Rönnfeldt was born on the Baltic Sea in northern Germany and has Danish and Icelandic roots. She graduated as a screenwriter from the Swedish school Alma Education and as a director from the independent film school Super16 in Copenhagen. She has taken part in the Berlinale Talents, Oxbelly Episodic Lab and European Short Pitch programmes. Her projects revolve around life in rural communities, the world of business, intimacy and the sea. She firmly believes in the poetic power of images.
Cast : Sara Klein Larsen, Emilie Claudius Kruse
Screenplay : Hilke Rönnfeldt
Cinematography : Roxana Reiss
Sound : Juuso Oksala
Editing : Josefine Svenningsen
Music : Leslie Ming
Production : Frau Film
French distributor : Shortcuts