date festival


Rodrigo Sorogoyen

© Lucia Faraig
As bestas

Rodrigo Sorogoyen
2022 - Spain - 2h17

Screenings : monday 22 - 2:00 pm - Centre de congrès - Auditorium - presented by Louis Mathieu - enseignant tuesday 23 - 8:30 pm - Grand Théâtre
French couple Antoine and Olga decide to settle in a village in Galicia. With their involvement in local life, doing up ruined houses free of charge to attract new residents, they should be well-liked by the other villagers. But their opposition to a wind farm project fans the flames of a much deeper conflict …
“My co-writer Isabel Peña and I like placing the audience (i.e. ourselves) in the place of the other in a an unexpected situation. When we create characters we force ourselves to understand them”. Rodrigo Sorogoyen uses the antagonism between a French incomer couple and the locals to create an inextricable, dangerous and harrowing situation. The film is served by a wonderfully directed Franco-Spanish cast (like Madre (Mother)): Denis Ménochet's repressed anger is impressive, and Luis Zahera performs as if possessed. “The writing of the sequences around the moments of verbal confrontation takes us into a parallel world, without contours or physical borders. The closed field of individual experiences suddenly defines an ill-fitting mental geography, replacing what we thought to be a peaceful landscape by the cliff-edge of a catastrophe”. (Didier Péron; Libération)

Cast : Denis Ménochet, Marina Foïs, Luis Zahera, Diego Anido, Marie Colomb
Screenplay : Isabel Peña, Rodrigo Sorogoyen
Cinematography : Alejandro de Pablo
Sound : Aitor Berenguer
Editing : Alberto del Campo
Music : Olivier Arson

Production : Arcadia Motion Pictures, Caballo Films, Cronos Entertainment

French distributor : Le Pacte