date festival


Rodrigo Sorogoyen

© Caballo Films

Rodrigo Sorogoyen
2013 - Spain - 1h30

Screenings : wednesday 24 - 10:00 am - Centre de congrès - Auditorium - followed by a debate with the film directors friday 26 - 5:00 pm - Pathé - 2
On the way back from a night out, Eli insists on taking Ella home. What follows is a long midnight conversation and the beginning of a story that will change their lives…
The first film that Rodrigo Sorogoyen made alone and his first collaboration with Isabel Peña, Stockholm is a project where the aesthetic is driven by sparsity: two actors, three places and a 13-day shoot. Produced by Caballo Films, the company he had recently founded with a couple of partners, and supported by a crowdfunding campaign, the film met with great success in festivals, particularly in Spain where it was nominated for 3 Goyas. It is already possible to see Sorogoyen's taste for turning situations upside down (a scene where one character is chatting up another soon becomes harassment) and his talent in directing actors. The film was not released in France, but Stockholm remains Rodrigo Sorogoyen's opening statement as a filmmaker.

Cast : Javier Pereira, Aura Garrido
Screenplay : Isabel Peña, Rodrigo Sorogoyen
Cinematography : Alejandro de Pablo
Editing : Alberto del Campo

Production : Caballo Films, Tourmalet Films, Morituri

French distributor : Outsider Pictures