date festival


Raymon Depardon and Claudine Nougaret

© Palmeraie et desert
12 jours

Raymond Depardon
2017 - France - 1h27

Within 12 days of people being put in a psychiatric ward out their consent, they must be go before a to judge for a decision on whether they will remain or not. A judge is on one side and a patient on the other.
In the past, the decision to hospitalise a person against their will was made by the psychiatrist alone. In 2013, the law changed meaning that they had to put their decisions to the juge des libertés (who rules on preventive detention). Raymond Depardon was the first person to film the implementation of this law, which makes public an expression that was once partial, opaque and reserved for psychiatrists. A expression that bears witness to a private story but also, in its own way, to the political, social and moral history of France. “The strength of the film is that it collects these expressions, which, going off in all directions, tell the truth of the sufferings as much as the delirium of the world that produces and sustains them.” (Jean-Philippe Tessé; Les Cahiers du cinéma)

Cinematography : Raymond Depardon
Sound : Yolande Decarsin, Claudine Nougaret
Editing : Simon Jacquet
Music : Alexandre Desplat

Production : Palmeraie et Désert, Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Cinéma, France 2 Cinéma

French distributor : Wild Bunch