date festival


Raymon Depardon and Claudine Nougaret

© Palmeraie et desert
Profils paysans : l'approche

Raymond Depardon
2001 - France - 1h28

Retired, single or modest couples – farmers forgotten on upland farms. This film is dedicated to the approach of these inhabitants and their farms. Young graduate farmers are looking for farms to work, while others continue to live and work there for the rest of their lives.
Raymond Depardon is from a farming family, and waited several years before mentioning his rural origins in his work. At the end of the 1980s, Le Pèlerin Magazine commissioned him to take a series of photographs of the rural world, which made Depardon want to continue in this direction. At the same time, he became aware of the problems of passing things on to the next generation and embarked on an ambitious trilogy: Profils paysans, is an inventory of the farming world blending portraits of “old” people with those of young couples.

Cinematography : Raymond Depardon, Beatrice Mizrahi
Sound : Claudine Nougaret
Editing : Roger Ikhlef, Sandrine Romet-Lemonne

Production : Canal+, Palmeraie et Désert

French distributor : Palmeraie et désert