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© 2005 Folimage - Cinémagination
La Tête dans les étoiles

Sylvain Vincendeau
2005 - France - 08mn

Screenings : saturday 27 - 8:30 pm - Grand Théâtre
A man can't see the stars from his building. He decides to go off into nature to find some calm. He discovers happiness in simplicity. He can finally admire the celestial vault. He is happy. But one day, a couple settles down alongside him, then another, and another…
“The sky, the stars, nature… here are simple things, oh how wonderful, that everyone should be able to admire. Here, the city lights stop our little hero from seeing the starry sky. So he escapes to a hill where he can finally experience the celestial vault, soft grass, the sun on his skin, his only companions are ants and bees … and this is enough for his happiness.
One day a coupe turns up and settles down near him. Then others come and build their houses on this hill, which little by little becomes a big town like the one he had left not long earlier. The stars disappear again. The whole thing repeats itself, and our hero leaves once again. This film is a eulogy to contemplation, to the simple life without material things, and a critique of people, who always push nature further and further away to be squeezed into big megapolises. Aren't we losing the essential with the extension of urban areas? This short film raises questions … and makes you want to walk barefoot in the grass!” Benshi

Cast : Damien Louche-Pelissier, Patrick Tallaron, Julie Serpinet, Loïc Burkhardt
Voices : X
Screenplay : Sylvain Vincendeau
Animation : Sylvain Vincendeay, Xavier Cruz, François Bertin
Sound : Loïc Burkhardt
Editing : Hervé Guichard
Music : Cyrille Aufort

Production : Folimage

French distributor : Folimage

International sales : Folimage