date festival


Béla Tarr

© Hungarian Film Archive


Béla Tarr
1988 - Hungary - 2h00

Screenings : wednesday 24 - 10:15 pm - Pathé - 1 friday 26 - 4:30 pm - Pathé - 1
Karrer has lived for years cut off from the world in a devastated landscape, spending his time contemplating the tippers that disappear into the distance and wandering under incessant rain. His only social ties are a bar, the Titanik, where he ends up every night, and Willarsky, the barman. He is attracted by a singer who performs there, and manages to seduce her.
“It is less a story than a state of mind, a slow existential poem with a film noir atmosphere, rain, night, boredom, time spent hanging around at a bar, between shady deals and accordion blues. In superb black and white, Hungarian filmmaker Béla Tarr speaks of love and loneliness with sovereign melancholy” (Marie-Noëlle Tranchant; Le Figaro). Considered as the first part of a trilogy that continues with Sátántangó (Satan's Tango) and Werckmeister harmóniák (Werckmeister Harmonies), Kárhozat (Damnation) begins a new style that came from Béla Tarr's collaboration with writer László Krasznahorkai. The film was released in France for the first time in 2005, 18 years after it was made.

Cast : Miklós Székely B., Vali Kerekes, Gyula Pauer, György Cserhalmi, Hédi Temessy
Screenplay : Béla Tarr, László Krasznahorkai
Cinematography : Gábor Medvigy
Sound : Tamás Márkus
Editing : Ágnes Hranitzky
Music : Mihály Vig

Production : Hungarian Film Institute

French distributor : Carlotta