Pola Kazak

A woman tends a small garden in a field overgrown with weeds. What begins as an innocent encounter turns into a fight for survival and an attempt to preserve the existing world at all costs.
Cast : Zuzana Hykyšová-Petráňov
Scenario : Pola Kazak
Animation : Pola Kazak
Sound : Mirek Šmilauer (Polka)
Music : Sergey Cheremisinov
Scenario : Pola Kazak
Animation : Pola Kazak
Sound : Mirek Šmilauer (Polka)
Music : Sergey Cheremisinov
Production : MAUR film

Pola Kazak was born in 1986 in Kursk, Russia. In 2004, she began studying audiovisual production at the Moscow University of Arts and Culture, where she specialised in documentary production and photography. In 2010, she moved to the Czech Republic and began her studies at the Miroslav Ondŕíček Film Academy in Písek. She specialised in documentary production before going to join the animation studio. During her studies, she focused on 2D and multi-plane cartoon animation. At the same time, she worked as a graphic designer and artist. Her graduation film, Toro! is based on Pablo Picasso's line drawings of bullfights. As an animator, she has taken part in several films in which she applies her experience with multi-plane animation, including Florence Miailhe’s La Traversée (The Crossing) (oil painting, 2018) and Kafka. In Love by Zane Oborenko (sand animation, 2024).