J'ai avalé une chenille
Basile Khatir

Tristan swallowed a caterpillar while downing a tequila shot at Max’s party. Ever since then, he has been in a coma, with thoughts running through his head – about that girl at the party, the nurse smoking in his room, his overbearing mother, and the fact that he’ll never change his Facebook profile picture ever again. Basically, Tristan is just like any other teenager.
Cast : Félix Lefebvre
Scenario : Basile Khatir, Marine Louvet
Cinematography : Basile Khatir, Flore Montmorry
Sound : Raphaël Bigaud, Thomas Fourel
Scenario : Basile Khatir, Marine Louvet
Cinematography : Basile Khatir, Flore Montmorry
Sound : Raphaël Bigaud, Thomas Fourel
Production : La Petite Prod, Tonerre de l'Ouest
Distribution : Manifest
Distribution : Manifest

An optical engineer born in 1996, Basile Khatir is a self-taught filmmaker. After several self-produced short films, J'ai avalé une chenille is his first produced short. He is currently developing his second short film, Aurore va au bal.