date festival


Christian Petzold

© D.R.

Christian Petzold
1991 - Germany - 24mn

Screenings : thursday 25 - 10:15 am - Grand Théâtre - presented by the film directors sunday 28 - 8:30 pm - Grand Théâtre
Not long after the reunification of Germany, three inhabitants of a quiet neighbourhood in north Berlin talk about their projects and attempt a new economic start in the midst of a period of change brought about by the fall of the Wall.
A unique documentary experience by Christian Petzold, directed with the help of Thomas Arslan, another member of the “Berlin School”, Ostwärts seeks to encounter East Berliners in the immediate aftermath of the fall of the Wall. It sows the seed of what would become a major preoccupation in Petzold's films: the economic future of the German people in the immediate post-Wall period.

Screenplay : Christian Petzold
Cinematography : Thomas Arslan, Christian Petzold, Jan Ralske

French distributor : Deutsche Kinemathek