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Sport and cinema

© Polsky Films
Red Army

Gabe Polsky
2014 - United States / Russia - 1h24

Screenings : tuesday 23 - 4:30 pm - Pathé - 8 - presented by Paul Bahain - ancien hockeyeur
The story of the Soviet national ice-hockey team, between sport and propaganda, through news clips from the period and contemporary interviews of the star players, all members of the prestigious Red Army Club.
Red Army depicts the extraordinary saga of the Soviet Union ice-hockey team, admired for their genius and their exploits, but worn down by the quick by the violent and paranoid system. American Gabe Polsky's film unravels, thanks to his numerous archive images, the rise of a revolutionary team in the 1970s and the wings of world supremacy in the 1980s. Thanks to the accounts of former players, Red Army paints a damning portrait of the perversities of a regime ready to do anything to keep its domination in ice hockey, a propaganda tool during the Cold War. “Gabe Polsky, born in the US to Russian parents, is as fascinated by the style of playing as by what goes on behind the scenes. His vision is therefore all the more human and tender (…).” (Nicolas Schaller; L'Obs)

Cast : Viacheslav Fetisov, Vladislav Tretiak, Scotty Bowman, Vladimir Pozner
Screenplay : Gabe Polsky
Cinematography : Svetlana Cvetko, Peter Zeitlinger
Editing : Eli B. Despres, Kurt Engfehr
Music : Christophe Beck, Leo Birenberg

Production : Gabriel Polsky Productions

French distributor : ARP