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From our Correspondent

© NKaplanDeMacedo
Depuis Mediapart

Naruna Kaplan de Macedo
2018 - France - 1h40

An in-depth investigation into the heart of the Mediapart online newspaper's editorial offices before, during and after the 2017 French presidential election. The day-to-day life of the people working there on issues such as the Baupin affair, Football Leaks or Libyan financing.
Director Naruna Kaplan de Macedo was an early subscriber to the Mediapart newspaper, supporting the launch of the newspaper and the first “bloggers” on the site. In 2008, she found herself in a virtual conversation with a number of the journalists, including chair and co-founder Edwy Plenel. Between direct cinema, personal voiceover and relations with journalists, the film follows the course of the 2017 presidential election, through an editorial board that has its doubts and reflects on how to cover this election, and especially what to remember about the way it is telling the story of our time and of France.

Cast : Stéphane Alliès, Fabrice Arfi, Lénaïg Bredoux, Rachida El Azzouzi, Edwy Plenel , Mathieu Magnaudeix, Marine Turchi, Matthieu Suc
Cinematography : Sarah Blum, Naruna Kaplan de Macedo
Sound : Jeanne Delplancq
Editing : Valérie Pico

Production : Les Films d'Ici Méditerranée, Les Films d'Ici, Le Studio Orlando

French distributor : Docks 66