Soleil gris
Camille Monnier

Under a scorching sun, Charlie is bored out of her mind and dreams of going to the seaside. But she has to guard a seedy motel with her cousin Jess, who is slumped in her deckchair. The two teenagers don’t get along and bicker at every opportunity. On the radio, the monotone voice of a collapsology researcher predicts the imminent end of the world. The pool is empty, the sun is beating down and the tension is mounting: the ecological apocalypse announced on the airwaves suddenly erupts into reality.
Cast : Anaïde Rozam, Anna Gianforcaro, Nicolas Gonzales, Gauthier Baillot, Sandrine Attard
Scenario : Camille Monnier
Cinematography : Camille Monnier, Clémentine Campos, Camille Mahé
Sound : Pierre Sauze, Pascal Bricard, Pilon
Editing : Santi Minasi
Music : Federika Stahl
Scenario : Camille Monnier
Cinematography : Camille Monnier, Clémentine Campos, Camille Mahé
Sound : Pierre Sauze, Pascal Bricard, Pilon
Editing : Santi Minasi
Music : Federika Stahl
Production : Novanima Productions, Animal Tank

Born in 1992 in Belfort, Camille Monnier likes to create a frame in which the image comes to life and made her very first stop-motion film during her year at Manaa. After a DMA at the École Estienne she rediscovered animation through different techniques at EMCA and directed her first produced film, Même Quand Nous Dormons (2016) for the collection En Sortant de l'Ecole (Tant Mieux Prod/France Télé), shown in several festivals. Since then she has collaborated on various projects as a director and animator, notably with Arte and Folivari, and has also worked on developing her own film projects.